DETROIT (AP) — A top administrator at the Wayne County juvenile jail has been fired amid a sexual assault investigation.

Wayne County Juvenile Detention Facility Deputy Director of Administration Mark Roland was fired Friday, the Detroit Free Press reported Friday. He had worked at the facility since September.

The firing comes as officials investigate allegations that youths at the facility sexually assaulted a 12-year-old boy on Wednesday. State police are investigating and so far seven employees at the juvenile jail have been suspended.

Roland told the newspaper that the firing surprised him. He said that as of Thursday he was part of an improvement plan.

“I am just not sure what made them come to that decision,” Roland said. “My hope would have been that they would have kept the current team in place for consistency.”

Meanwhile on Friday, facility Director Brandon Barber was reassigned to another county job. Tiffani Jackson, a county spokeswoman, didn’t provide his position and the newspaper couldn’t reach Barber for comment.

The Free Press has reported that the jail is overcrowded and understaffed, with juveniles confined to rooms for long periods and denied showers, recreation, medication and schooling.