Wixom to Sell City-Owned Property to Housing Developer
February 3, 2025

Nik Rajkovic / news@whmi.com
Wixom City Council recently approved a purchase agreement on a parcel of city-owned land to a housing developer for $150,000. The property is at the corner of Chanticlair Circle and Loon Lake Road, near Benstein.
Council last week questioned a representative of Pine Cove Building Company about how the two planned homes will fit in with the existing Highgate On the Lake neighborhood.
"I don't know too much about that community to be honest, but I've driven through there one time. They'll probably be two-story colonial homes. I have certain product that would fit on either of those lots, about three that come to mind," owner Haytham Obeid replied.
Pine Cove recently completed the Maple Glen subdivision off Maple Road, just west of Wixom Road.
Questions also were raised about the size of the proposed homes.
"They're going to be pretty large relative to the surrounding houses, but I don't know how else you can afford to develop it at $75,000 a lot," said City Manager Steven Brown.
Wixom City Council's agenda packet and developers website are linked below.