New Websites Open For Livingston County Vets
March 29, 2022

By Mike Kruzman /
Livingston County veterans can now access new state websites that aim to provide better service.
Veterans can now access 4 new sites from the Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, or DMVA. Those sites are for the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA), Michigan Veterans Homes (MVH), the Michigan Youth Challenge Academy (MYCA), and the DMVA, itself.
U.S. Army Major General Paul Rogers said, in a release, that these websites provide valuable information and services to service members, and that it is why it is imperative to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility. They also hope to improve site navigation so that all visitors have a positive experience while online. With the updated designs, key services including a benefits counselor map to help connect local veterans and their dependents to resources have been improved.
MVAA Director Zaneta Adams says these highly trained counselors will be able to connect veterans to the education, financial, and healthcare benefits that they have earned through their service. This project is part of a greater one that is seeing the revamping of more than 100 executive branch websites.
Department websites may be reached at :