Tyrone Township Officials Pass FY 2019-20 Budget
March 6, 2019

Tyrone Township officials have put the finishing touches on their budget for the upcoming fiscal year. A public hearing was held in advance of approving the 2019-2020 budget at the Tyrone Township Board of Trustees meeting, Tuesday night.
Township Supervisor Mike Cunningham held a presentation for residents in the audience, going over what the Board had accomplished over the past year, and the challenges of the upcoming year. Residents applauded the completion of extraction and reclamation from the Denton Hill gravel pit. Cunningham pointed out the Orchard Park inter-county drain project and the costs that will bring to the township as one of the challenges they faced in the new budget. With that being said, officials are still estimating a roughly $90,000 surplus in the coming year. If that holds true, it will be the 10th consecutive year the township has operated in the black. Cunningham said that with forward planning, this surplus has allowed them to save and put money into road projects that have benefited residents.
The township millage rate for the next year has been set at .8961 mills, a number that the Supervisor said is pretty consistent to what it’s been for the past 2 decades. The great unknown with revenues, according to Cunningham, is how state revenue sharing will play out with the new governor and legislature in Lansing. With unanimous approval, the new budget will go into effect on April 1st.(MK)