Theis-Sponsored Bill Would Assist Dropouts In Graduating
December 13, 2019

A bill sponsored by a local legislator that will help students who dropout of high school get their degree has passed through the State Senate.
Republican State Senator Lana Theis of Brighton Township is the sponsor for one of two bills supporting the Dropout Recovery Program. Chair of the Senate Education and Career Readiness Committee, Theis says the program is an important part of supporting public school districts that are helping dropout students get their degree while also preparing them to achieve future success.
The Dropout Recovery Program was created in 2012 to allow school districts to identify students who have dropped out, and enroll them in specialized programs with other such students to complete the courses needed to graduate. Districts can partner together to meet the needs of the students while sharing the costs.
Democratic State Senator Jeremy Moss of Southfield is the sponsor of the second bill. He said in a release that this program has provided a path for nearly 200 students in his district to graduate and receive their high school diplomas.
Senate Bills 650 and 651 would extend the sunset of the program and add reporting requirements to the state for evaluation of the program’s achievements and challenges. They now go to the State House of Representatives for consideration. (MK)