Sub Zero Wind Chills Expected Early Thursday Morning
December 11, 2024

Nik Rajkovic /
Lake effect snow and sub zero wind chills have prompted a Winter Weather Advisory for Ingham County and parts of the WHMI listening area through early Thursday morning.
"Because we've lived here all our lives, sometimes we forget to take the proper precautions, especially early on in the winter," says Therese Cremonte, Livingston County's emergency management coordinator.
"We're still early in the winter season. People are still trying to learn to drive in winter conditions. They're still trying to remember, oh, I forgot my hat. I need to cover my head so I don't lose my heat."
Cremonte stresses the importance of protecting people, pets, plants and pipes from the cold, adding some newer residents have moved to the WHMI listening area from southern states that don't experience the same Michigan winter weather.
"If you have an outdoor pet, please make sure they have shelter as well," she says. "Keep their food and water from freezing if they are outdoors in any way."
"Of course, our vulnerable populations, especially our elderly and older folks. If you have a neighbor. If you have a family member. Please check on them."
A feels like temperature of minus three degrees is in the forecast Thursday morning.
"If you're going to be outside for any length of time, even if you're going down to the mail box, dress in layers. Wear the appropriate shoes. Cover your head. Actually, cover any exposed areas like your face and hands," Cremonte added.
"Also, make sure you are eating warm food and liquids. Not alcohol of course. But keep your body warm from the inside as well."