South Main Street Project Progressing In Village of Milford
September 14, 2024

Jessica Mathews /
Progress is being made with a road project in the Village of Milford.
The contractor has completed all curb and gutter work on the west side of South Main Street. The edge of metal asphalt repairs will continue next week, including necessary repairs in front of driveways. All residents will be notified of when they will need to be out of their driveways by the on-site inspector.
The contractor will also work next week on completing sidewalk replacements on the west side of S. Main Street.
Asphalt milling and paving is scheduled to start the week of September 23rd with several roads being closed at S. Main Street during operations.
The Village says to expect long delays and avoid the area if possible.
All work is weather permitting. Residents directly impacted by the road work will be notified about parking requirements during concrete curing.