South Lyon Adds New Definition To Domestic Violence Ordinance
December 2, 2019

The City of South Lyon is making its Code of Ordinances more consistent with state law by making changes to its regulations regarding domestic violence.
Under the City’s current assault and battery ordinance, domestic violence or domestic assault occurs when an individual assaults or batters his or her spouse or former spouse, an individual with whom they have a child in common, and a resident or former resident of their household.
The state’s assault and battery statute, however, also includes in that list “an individual with whom he or she has or has had a dating relationship”.
The City wants to update its domestic violence ordinance to mirror state law by including “dating relationships” when speaking to a situation in which domestic violence or domestic assault occurs against an individual.
A second reading of the amendment to the ordinance was held at a recent City Council meeting and received approval. The amendment will take effect 10 days after the ordinance’s publication. (DK)