South Lyon City Council Approves Proposals for Boardwalk Section, HVAC Equipment in Historic Village
October 30, 2024

Amanda Forrester /
The South Lyon City Council approved the installation of new HVAC equipment at the Historic Village as well as work on the boardwalk by Michigan Seamless Tube during their meeting Monday.
Heinanen Engineering, which is located in South Lyon, is donating two furnaces and two air conditioning units for the freight house and museum in the Historic Village.
City Manager Paul Zelenak presented the proposal to the council during the meeting Monday evening.
According to the proposal, installation will also be completed by Heinanen. The price for installation is $33,870.23, according to the company’s quote. The price of the equipment was quoted at $11,841.10
Zelenak asked that the council waive the bidding requirement and approve the bid submitted by Heinanen.
The motion to formally accept the donated units will take place once the items are ordered and date for installation has been set.
When asked why the motion to waive the bidding process was needed, Zelenak said it was because the donation only includes the units. Bidding could be done on the installation of the equipment.
The City requested bids on around 450 feet of boardwalk south of Michigan Seamless Tube. Zelenak recommended the bid from LJ Construction, located in Clifford Michigan. The bid, which was the lowest submitted, was $538,311.
“The metal bridge in between the two sections of the boardwalk will be evaluated by the contractor on site and assess repairs on that to extend the life of the bridge,” Zelenak said.
The majority of the funds will be paid out of the remaining ARPA funds. The American Rescue Plan Act funds were given to communities to address long-term issues and help with recovery from Covid-19. The remaining amount, around $100,000, will be paid by the general fund, according to Zelenak.
The project is expected to begin after Dec. 1. Depending on the weather, construction will either resume in the spring, with a tentative completion in mid-April, or construction will potentially be completed by the end of 2024.
All three motions, the two regarding the HVAC equipment and the one for the boardwalk, passed unanimously.