Sidewalk Project Completed in Brighton; Work to Start on East Project
June 21, 2024

Tom Tolen /
The long-anticipated Brighton sidewalk gap project is now essentially finished, while the project to improve streets in the North East St. neighborhood will get underway on Monday.
The sidewalk project involved construction of sidewalks on Flint Road, Williamsen and a portion of Nelson St. (which historically has lacked sidewalks of any kind), thus posing a safety hazard for pedestrians who were forced to walk in the street or cross private lawns.
According to Brighton Dept. of Public Services Director Marcel Goch, all that’s left is “finalizing a few punch list items.” A punch list typically includes minor corrections, alterations or repairs required before the final payment is made to the contractor.
To accomplish the project, the city is using a $330,000 grant from the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) augmented by $400,000 the city had previously budgeted for the program stemming from a 2021 bond.
A couple of difficult areas to tackle were the portion on Flint Road next to the Hamilton Farms Condominiums and on Williamsen in front of the Brighton Glens apartment complex. In those areas the sidewalk had to be buttressed with concrete blocks and earthworks, plus fencing, to provide structural support on slopes.
Goch says he would have liked to finish Nelson St., where the only portion to get sidewalks was between Williamsen and North Church St. The remainder of Nelson, Goch says, will have to wait for funding not only there, but also in other areas of the city which still lack sidewalks.
At the corner of N. Church and Nelson St., the new sidewalk crosses Church in the form of a crosswalk, goes west briefly to Williamsen and then crosses Williamsen near Forest Drive to join an existing sidewalk next to the Pondview Condominiums. Goch says engineers felt putting the sidewalk at the corner where Nelson merges with Williamsen would not be advisable. “We and our engineer considered the corner to be unsafe due to the hill (combined with a 90-degree angle turn) and limited sight distance,” he said.
Goch says that while there are still some areas in the city that lack sidewalks, funds are limited at this time, and there is no timetable for closing the remaining gaps. However, he says, "We are always looking for grant opportunities.”
Goch says the sidewalks have given the northeast side of the city a brand-new and attractive look. He adds he has "fielded several calls from residents in the neighborhoods stating they appreciate the new sidewalk.”
Meanwhile, work will start Monday on the East streets project. The city’s website states, quote:
"The streets to get the upgrades will be Liberty St., Beaver St. and Flint Road. The work will include new asphalt, concrete curb and gutter, the installation of sidewalk on both sides of the street where possible and where there is existing sidewalk, and repairs, as needed. All sidewalk intersections will be upgraded to meet ADA compliance. Water, sewer, and storm system repairs will be made throughout the entire construction project as appropriate.”
The general contractor for the project is Fonson Co. of Brighton which was the low bidder at $1.2 million.
East Streets Reconstruction
"Originally, the City of Brighton planned to perform the reconstruction of Grand River and five adjacent side streets in 2022. Due to increased costs of construction, the Grand River resurfacing was the only portion of the project that was completed at that time. This work included resurfacing 6,700 feet of Grand River from Ore Creek (just east of Cross Street) to the City Limits (just east of O’Doherty). It also included necessary crack and joint repairs, curb repairs, and the replacement of all sidewalk intersections to meet Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements.
"The City now has funding to complete some of the side street portions of the project. The work will include new asphalt, concrete curb and gutter, the installation of sidewalk on both sides of the street where possible and where there is existing sidewalk, and repairs as needed. All sidewalk intersections will be upgraded to meet ADA compliance. Water, sewer, and storm system repairs will be made throughout the entire construction project as appropriate.
"City Council approved the recommended contractor, Fonson, and due to the amount of the bid, we will be able to complete the reconstruction of Beaver, Liberty and Flint between Grand River and East Street."
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