Input Sought On SEMCOG's Public Participation Plan
December 15, 2019

Input is being sought from Livingston County residents and others across the region on SEMCOG’s updated public participation plan.
The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments says one of its key goals is to enhance decision making by providing leadership and consensus building on key plans and policies. One way the agency achieves that is through the public involvement process, which provides opportunities for interested parties to comment on SEMCOG’s regional plans, programs, and activities. The document that guides the public involvement process is SEMCOG’s Public Participation Plan. The revised Draft Public Participation Plan has been released for the 45-day public comment period. Now through January 24th, 2020 anyone interested may review and comment on the draft. Officials say comments received will help ensure the ongoing opportunity for effective, broad-based participation in the development and review of regional plans and programs. After input is received, SEMCOG’s Executive Committee will meet on Friday, January 24th to discuss the plan and take final action.
A copy of the draft plan is attached. (JM)