Applications Open For Redistricting Commission
December 5, 2019

The application season is now open for Livingston County residents wishing to be a part of the state’s Redistricting Commission.
In 2018 Michigan voters elected to create an independent citizens redistricting commission. The Secretary of State has recently selected 250,000 residents in a random name draw who will receive applications for the 13-member panel by mail. Those applications will be mailed by January 1st. Applicants aren’t limited to those whose names were drawn, however, and anyone who wishes may download one online to fill out. Secretary of State Director of Communications Jake Rollow says this is commission for “regular people” and not those holding high political office. No knowledge or expertise in elections is necessary, and training will be provided. Residents who are selected to be a part of the final 13-member commission will receive a $40,000 stipend.
All applications must be signed in the presence of a notary and returned to the Department of State by June 1st, 2020. According to state constitution, the Secretary of State will then randomly select 200 semi-finalists, with at least half coming from the random mailing. The semi-finalist pool must mirror the geographic and demographic make-up of the state, and consist of 60 who affiliate with Republicans, 60 who affiliate with Democrats, and 80 who do not affiliate with either. The final 13 will be made up of 4 Republicans, 4 Democrats, and 5 Independents. They will be given exclusive authority to adopt district boundaries for the Michigan House, Michigan Senate, and U.S. Congress every 10 years.
Online copies of the application available to download can be found at