Possible Site Identified To Relocate Howell Post Office
December 23, 2019

Property in the City of Howell is in the process of being evaluated for a new Post Office facility.
The Post Office located on South Michigan Avenue has been in its current space since March of 1984 and was renamed this past summer in honor of the late WWII Veteran Donald R. Burgett. However it has been deemed space deficient and overcrowded, due to the area’s current and projected parcel and delivery growth. Several alternatives were considered to resolve the problem but the final recommendation was for the Postal Service to construct a new building. Interim Howell City Manager Erv Suida says the City received an email from the U.S. Postal Service, which indicated it’s looking at property surrounding the Howell Area Fire Department’s main station. Suida tells WHMI the potential site is around seven acres and is city-owned property but it does have some challenges. He says it has some drainage challenges but is basically open land so it would be good location for such a project. Suida noted the neighborhood to the south drains into that area so there would have to be increased detention ponds etc. but think it’s a viable solution.
If the site is selected, it would assure that the Post Office stays within city limits, which has always been the expressed preference from Postal Service officials.
Suida says they are still looking at data and running assessments to see if the location is a viable option but an update should be coming sometime after the holidays. (JM)