By Mike Kruzman /

Registration is open for a fundraiser to help provide heating assistance to those in need during the cold, winter months.

The Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency’s 31st annual Walk for Warmth is coming May 15th. All funds raised stay local and benefit OLHSA’s Emergency Utility Assistance Program. An added importance is being put on this year’s event, as many Livingston and Oakland County community members continue to recover from the pandemic and have unique energy and supportive needs.

Normally held indoors and in February, this year’s walk is scheduled to be outdoors at the Hartland Educational Support Service Center. Many may know that better as the old Hartland High School. Masks and social distancing are required. It’s a non-competitive, family-friendly event featuring activities, music and entertainment so those attending can walk as much or as little as they want for the cause.

Registration begins at 8:30 am, with kickoff at 9. Visit warmth for more details about donating, registration and sponsorship opportunities.