Lyon Township DDA: Businesses & Volunteers Stepped Up In 2024
January 8, 2025

Jessica Mathews /
Some year-end numbers were presented by the Lyon Township Downtown Development Authority.
DDA Director Amy Allen delivered an update during Monday night’s Board of Trustees meeting. She said 98 businesses were involved in special events, promotions, and committees tied to economic vitality. Of those, 52 were DDA businesses; with Allen noting the encouraging participation from businesses located outside of the downtown New Hudson district. 25 were participating for the first time.
Allen said there were nine new businesses that opened up last year, and their volunteers raised over $27,000. She said they had over 150 volunteers participate in events and committees that had over 1,100 volunteer hours invested – with Allen commenting they’re very lucky to have really active, excited individuals in the community who want to get involved. She further thanked everyone who came out to their events, volunteers, and board and committee members for their support.
The DDA website states: “The Lyon Downtown Development Authority was created to reverse the pattern of deterioration in New Hudson, the Township's main downtown business district, and to plan for and implement certain public improvements that are considered necessary for future economic growth in New Hudson and along Grand River Avenue, the main thoroughfare through New Hudson.”
Photo: Google Street View