Livingston County 2019 Year-End Report Delivered
December 28, 2019

Challenges, achievements and the continued success of Livingston County were among the highlights of 2019.
The Livingston County Board of Commissioners met recently and Chairman Don Parker delivered his annual year-end report. He reflected on the past year as well as what’s to come. Parker says they conclude 2019 and look forward to 2020 with fortitude and optimism – adding the county has also seen some administrative changes and tragedy with the sudden loss of Administrator Ken Hinton who was a valued leader and will be missed. Parker noted various county employees who have stepped up in the interim, others who have departed or retired and newcomers. Parker thanked various departments for what they do to make the county such a special place, adding commissioners all represent specific districts but listen to those they represent and act to provide effective and efficient services. Throughout 2019, he says employees have contributed to the life of the county through diverse efforts that included establishing a new LETS healthcare transportation service, creating six forever families through the courts on Adoption Day, completed construction of a new state-of-the-art 911 facility, implementing election changes through the county clerk’s office, and in many other ways that may be unrecognized but no less important to the community. Parker says the county has a lot to be proud of – noting low unemployment, steady growth, sustained conservative financial management, a triple-A bond rating and a balanced 2020 budget. Parker added the county contributed over $500,000 in the pension system to MERS and also joined nationwide opioid litigation. He noted additions to the judicial bench, saying the county welcomed three new judges that he feels will provide justice and be impartial jurists in administering the law to those who come before them. The county also established a public defender’s office.
Parker stated as 2019 did, 2020 will also have challenges but he has complete confidence in the board, staff, department directors, countywide elected positions and employees – saying no matter what comes their way, they have systems and people in place to meet those challenges. Parker further thanked every member of the board as 2019 was a hard year and he appreciates their support, guidance and input. As they move into 2020, Parker noted the county will continue to face many of the same challenges of other county governments but both new challenges and opportunities will arise. The full report is attached. (JM)