Livingston County Veterans Services Office 2024 Highlights
December 21, 2024

Jessica Mathews /
Livingston County Veterans Services says 2024 was yet another successful year.
Director Ramon Baca said it’s hard to believe another year is in the books and he personally thanked everyone who has followed them throughout the year, supported their efforts, and utilized their services.
“Due to our continued outreach efforts, we found ourselves at 65 community events, including visits to all the local Veterans Organizations. As a member of the Livingston County Human Services Collaborative Body, the Homeless Continuum of Care, and Veterans Response Team it has been rewarding to partner with local agencies to help veterans we may not have otherwise known about. It has also been extremely valuable to be a member of the Brighton, Hartland, and Howell Area Chambers of Commerce”.
Baca said gatherings hosted such as the 9/11 Never Forget 5K, Coffee Hour, Women’s Veterans Group, and Veterans Resource Fair united many veterans. Those looking to get involved can visit the provided link.
It was noted the team completed more than 2,100 appointments resulting in veterans receiving compensation for claims, pensions, and stipends. Additionally, the transportation team completed more than 2,000 rides for veterans to attend their medical appointments.
Baca said their emergency relief program provided financial assistance and resource referral counseling to more than 260 veterans and their families. Emergent assistance covers a variety of critical needs such as, rent or mortgage, home and auto repairs, food, clothing and fuel vouchers, emergency shelter, VINA dental, and burial benefits. He said due to their highly efficient and effective staff, Veteran Service Officers can see new clients within 72 hours, and in some cases, the very same day.
Baca added “Something we’re proud of is the fact that our staff are veterans ourselves or have ties to the military and can relate to all veterans and their families. We are here for you and continue to work hard for Livingston County, so come see us!”