League Of Women Voters Of Livingston County To Host Candidate Forums
September 4, 2024

Jessica Mathews / news@whmi.com
The League of Women Voters of Livingston County is preparing to host virtual candidate forums as the November General Election approaches.
The League is scheduling virtual candidate forums. It is strictly non-partisan and does not endorse candidates or support political parties.
Forums are planned for the Brighton, Howell, Hartland, and Fowlerville School Boards; as well as the Hartland Library and Hamburg Township Library Boards.
In addition to those races, The League said all candidates for the nine Livingston County Commissioner districts have been invited to take part in a candidate forum, but no events will take place unless both candidates in the district agree to participate.
Those interested can submit questions for candidates for consideration by September 10th to LWVLivCoForums@gmail.com.
The League also issued an August Primary Election Wrap-Up. It said members observed over four days as the Board of Canvassers carefully reviewed the vote totals reported by Livingston County's 81 precincts and 22 absentee voter counting board precincts, ensuring consistency across all election forms and certificates, and certified the results of our August 6 primary election on August 13, 2024.
Certified Election Results are available on the Livingston County Clerk Election Results web page.
For the Primary Election; 47,293 Voters of 167,529 Registered cast ballots – marking a 28.23% turn out. There were 2,641 Early In-Person Voters over nine days available for voting. That translates to 1.58% of registered voters, or 5.58% of those who actually voted.
Over 200 Livingston County citizens ran for office in the primary election. Thank you to all those candidates who invested their time, energy and finances in our democracy.
The League said it is particularly grateful to the clerks and election workers who managed the challenges of implementing voting law changes, including the nine days of early in-person voting with diligence and professionalism.