Howell Educator Recognized As FCS Teacher Of The Year
December 15, 2019

The Family and Consumer Educators of Michigan (FCSEM) recently named Highlander Way Middle School’s Amy Kilgren as their 2019 Teacher of the Year.
Kilgren has been with Howell Public Schools since 2002 and teaches several Family and Consumer Science (FCS) courses like Teen Life, Life Skills, and Health and Wellness. FCS classes provide students with resources to make informed decisions about their wellbeing by teaching skills like health management, food science and nutrition, and family finance.
Kilgren said she was surprise to be nominated and is truly honored to represent Howell Public Schools, Highlander Way, and the institutions that helped prepare her for her teaching career. She said that the award is not hers alone, but also goes to all of the people throughout the years who have helped her thrive.
Kilgren was recognized at a recent meeting of the district’s Board of Education. Highlander Way principal Melanie Post told board members that Kilgren knows her content well and is very inventive with her curriculum. Post said the school is fortunate to have Kilgren as part of their team, and that she always goes above and beyond to find ways to engage her students and help prepare them for the future.
Kilgren was presented the award at the 2019 FCSEM Conference last month. (DK/MK)