StraightTalk Presentation To Explore Drug Abuse, Recovery, And Hope
March 30, 2019

A program that shares the struggles of addiction and the hope that there is to be had is coming to Hartland Township. WAI-IAM (Who Am I – I Am Me), Inc. in StraightTalk is a presentation that takes attendees through the struggles of heroin and alcohol addiction and the trials that families facing it go through. Katie Niehaus is a Juvenile Probation Office for Adolescent Drug Court for Livingston County Drug Court. She says addiction troubles more people than we know, and that this program can help break its stigma. Niehaus said she feels it’s important to bring awareness to the problem because many families are unaware of its prevalence in their back yards. She says, “This presentation will help to normalize the experience of people struggling with substance abuse.”
Becky Womboldt of Highfields is a multi-systemic therapy supervisor who works with the courts and said that when she saw StraightTalk a few months in Lansing, she knew she had to help bring it Livingston County. She said that while it shares a very powerful performance and story, the mother and son duo of Jacque Liebner and Corey Warren also bring a lot of hope. Tools and resources will be provided to help prevent youth from entering the world of addiction and for parents to understand manipulation and the importance of setting boundaries.
Students at local high schools should also be on the lookout for Warren and his band as they plan to visit many in the area, play music, and answer any questions students might have in anticipation of the event.
This event will take place on Thursday, May 9th, from 6pm-8pm at Hartland High School. It’s free to attend, but seating is limited and registration is required. Register at (Photo- (MK)