Brighton Officials Prepare For Biennial Citizen Survey
December 29, 2019

Brighton officials are hoping city residents will take a few minutes to go online and let them know how they rank various city services and programs as well as what issues they think are most important.
Every two years the City of Brighton conducts a citizen survey to gain resident and business feedback on what they appreciate and what their concerns might be. City Manager Nate Geinzer said the previous study helped framed the direction they took regarding municipal finance, and in particular, how they would fund street and infrastructure repairs.
The 2020 survey consists of roughly 30 questions with the first section dedicated to city services, asking respondents to rate their levels of satisfaction with several services, programs, activities, and City Council’s Seven Stated Goals.
Another section deals with policies and dedicates a large portion towards gaining feedback on potential marijuana-related businesses in the city. Residents in 2018 voted in favor of Proposal 1which would legalize the recreational use of marijuana by 12-points, and several questions on the survey ask deeper questions, like where should such businesses be allowed.
The survey also asks about interactions with city staff and basic demographics. Postcards with information detailing how to access the survey are being mailed out soon. While it is primarily being conducted online, hard copies will be available for those wishing to respond that way at City Hall.(MK)