Brighton Optimists Present Check To Whitmore Lake Fireworks Committee
June 18, 2024

Jessica Mathews /
Another local charity is benefitting from monthly euchre tournaments hosted by a non-profit dedicated to serving the youth in the community.
The Brighton Optimist Club and Eternity Brewing Company presented checks to the Whitmore Like 4th of July Fireworks Committee totaling $712 from the June 11th euchre night.
This year’s fireworks will be at dusk on Wednesday, July 3rd at Whitmore Lake.
On the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Eternity Brewing Company, the Brighton Optimist Club has a euchre night to benefit a different local charitable organization.
100% of the money generated during the euchre nights is split between the designated charity, and the player prize pool.
A 3rd Tuesday euchre night is also in full swing at Eternity Brewing Company every month.
Since December 2021, Brighton Optimist Charity Euchre nights have generated over $23,697 in donations to local charities.
More information about the events and the Whitmore Lake fireworks can be found in the provided links.
Photo: Ethan Whitesell, Owner, Eternity Brewing Company; Whitmore Lake Fireworks Committee Chairman Allen Walblay; Brighton Optimist Past President Bob Smith and President Jim Currie; and Eternity Brewing Taproom Manager Kylie