Brighton School Board Re-elects Roger Myers as President
January 14, 2025

Note: The story has been updated to reflect the fact that Ken Stahl, while having previously served eight years on the board, was defeated for reelection in 2022 and then elected again in Nov. of 2024.
Tom Tolen /
Roger Myers was elected for a fifth consecutive year as president of the Brighton Area Schools Board of Education at its annual meeting Monday night. The vote for Myers was unanimous, unlike last year, when he was elected on a slim, 4-3 vote. This time, Myers' name was the only one placed in nomination. The election of officers is the first order of business at the board’s yearly organizational meeting.
In the balloting for other officers, Jennifer Marks was chosen as vice president and, on a unanimous vote, Ken Stahl was named treasurer. Marks won the vice president’s position on a 6-1 vote with Trustee Storm voting no. For board secretary, the names of both Angela Krebs and Alicia Urbain were placed in nomination, with Krebs winning the position on a 5-2 vote, Urbain and Storm voting for Urbain and the remainder voting in favor of Krebs.
Meyers and his wife own the law firm Myers & Myers in Howell. The couple has four children - three of which are graduates of the Brighton Area Schools, with the youngest child a sophomore at Brighton High School. The family lives in Genoa Township.
Three new members were sworn in at the meeting, and a total of four people elected or reelected to the board last November took the oath of office. The newest board trustees are Ken Stahl, Katie Tierney and Urbain, all of whom were elected to four-year terms. Stahl's name warrants an asterisk since he served two full terms - a total of eight years - before being defeated for reelection in 2022.
The board also named bank depositories, set the dates, time and location for regular meetings, determined its organizational structure, authorized the transfer of funds, and conducted other annual business as required by law.
The board’s next regular meeting will be on Jan. 27th at 7 pm in the board meeting room of the BECC building at East Main and Church streets in Brighton.
Photos: Top - Board President Roger Myers
Bottom, left to right: new members Alicia Urbain, Katie Tierney and Ken Stahl