BAS Superintendent Receives "Highly Effective" Performance Rating
December 12, 2019

The Superintendent of Brighton Area Schools has received the highest annual evaluation possible.
Superintendent Greg Gray has again received the “highly effective” rating from the Board of Education in his yearly performance review, given to him this past week. The evaluation takes into consideration areas like community relations, business and finance, educational leadership, and student growth and achievement. Board President Andy Burchfield said that they as a district feel fortunate to have such a high quality superintendent as Gray, and that “highly effective” they feel is most appropriate assessment.
Burchfield said that of all the factors going in, the success of their academics was by far the most important. He then added that with the things they’ve seen transpire with the band and athletic programs, extra-curricular activities, and performing arts, that everything in totality is pointing towards the district being run very well. Burchfield said they have a lot of tremendous people and that Gray does a great job in making sure all of the pieces are running the way they expect them to be.
Burchfield said that he and the Board of Education look forward to continuing working towards district goals with Gray this next year. These goals include further improving academic scores, implementing the bond approved by the community this past November, and continuing the successes they’ve seen inside and outside of the classroom. (MK)