April Events Set For Annual Child Abuse Prevention Campaign
March 18, 2019

A campaign focused on child abuse prevention kicks off next month, with events scheduled throughout Livingston County to raise awareness.
The “Pinwheels for Prevention” campaign, which is hosted by LACASA Center’s CAP (Child Abuse Prevention) Council, will recognize April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Blue pinwheels will be popping up throughout the area to inspire conversations and awareness. The pinwheel serves as a happy and carefree symbol, and a reminder that all children deserve a great childhood.
The annual “Plant a Pinwheel Celebration” will launch CAP Month in Livingston County. This year’s event will include a presentation of the Champion for Children award, which recognizes a community member that advocates for children in a significant way. Several prevention and awareness activities will follow throughout the month.
Community members are invited to join the CAP Council in Lansing on April 25th, Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Day, for a gathering on the Capital steps. Other events include a “Stewards of Children” workshop, which is a program that teaches adults how to recognize, respond to, and prevent child sexual abuse. A documentary about sexual assault will also be screened at the Historic Howell Theater.
More information about the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign and its events can be found at the link below.