Jessica Mathews /

The Salvation Army of Livingston County will host its annual Christmas kickoff event this weekend - the “Blessing of the Bells”.

The local Corps will kick off the Red Kettle season with the annual Blessing of the Bells this Saturday. Each year, The Salvation Army of Livingston County says a blessing over the bells that bell ringers use at the kettles. The kettles help raise awareness and much-needed monetary donations to assist those in need throughout Livingston County.

This year’s event will be held at the Howell Walmart at 10am Saturday and bells will ring for the first time - “wishing good health, safety, and prosperity for all this holiday season”. Officials will share The Salvation Army Christmas goal, and ways people can help.

Those wanting to help in other ways can volunteer to bell ring at, sponsor a kettle, or donate.

Information can be acquired through Nicole Moor 517-546-4750 ext. 342. Donations can be mailed directly to P.O. Box 647, Howell MI 48844.

Additionally, today is the final opportunity to sign-up for Christmas assistance from 10am to 7pm at the Corps’ 503 Lake Street location.

Details are in the event section of our website.