Jessica Mathews /

The City of Brighton Utilities Department will be flushing fire hydrants this week and next.

The flushing is taking place throughout the City’s water utility service area between the hours of 7am and 3:30pm starting tomorrow, lasting through Friday, October 6th – excluding Saturday and Sunday.

Additionally, beginning at 12am Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, crews will be flushing hydrants on specific streets that include:

- All of Grand River from Brighton Village to the City limits at Kroger
- The Brighton Mall
- Challis Road
- All of Brighton Lake Road
- East Main St and Spencer Road
- West Main Street to Third Street
- Mill Pond Lane
- Orndorf Drive

The City is asking that customers plan water use accordingly.

Officials caution the procedure may cause some disturbances and discoloration in the water system following the flushing, as well as the day following. Customers could also experience a temporary drop in pressure and are reminded to refrain from washing white or light-colored clothes during the flushing period.

More information is available in the attached release.