Jessica Mathews /

Community donations of backpacks and school supplies are still needed as part of the Livingston Educational Service Agency’s Backpacks for Kids project.

Backpacks and school supplies are collected during the summer months for students of local families that may be experiencing financial difficulties.

Great Start Livingston Coordinator Robin Schutz tells WHMI there is never a shortage of need and donations are currently down so they could use a community boost.

To assist in collection efforts, a Stuff the Bus and Stuff the Blue Goose event is set this Friday at the Howell Wal-Mart from 10am to 2pm.

In addition to Friday’s event, donations can be dropped off at the LESA offices and various other locations throughout the county.

The backpacks will then be filled during the Livingston County United Way’s Day of Caring next week. Once filled, the backpacks be distributed at a drive-thru event at each of the local school districts next Thursday, August 10th.

Last year, approximately $15,000 in monetary and school supply donations helped LESA distribute over 1,000 backpacks to students from Preschool through 12th Grade. The goal this year is to again distribute 1,000 backpacks.

A supply wish list, along with more information about how to donate and next Thursday’s distribution event are available in the provided link.