Jessica Mathews /

A team of wranglers chased down and captured a wayward steer named Lester across several lanes of a freeway yesterday.

Michigan State Police in-car video showed the tail-end of Sunday afternoon's chase on northbound I-75 in Holly. A rider on horseback and three people in two ATVs can be seen chasing Lester in and around fields and woods. But the steer races onto the freeway and is passed by several vehicles before the rider catches up and lassos him.

Lester had been on the lam for several weeks from a ranch where Lester and four other bovine were relocated after escaping from pens at an animal rescue facility in Rose Township. Another agency called in wranglers who initially captured the group, but Lester escaped again and was on the loose until his recapture Sunday.

Michigan State Police posted the following on Twitter:

“Eventually after much tom foolery, the critter was captured and removed from the freeway. Troopers reopened the freeway and things quickly got back to normal. The bovine was not charged and is back in the pasture with a story to tell all the other livestock”.