Jessica Mathews /

The Brighton District Library has launched a new Stroller Stories series that combines summer and storytime on City walks.

All strollers, waddlers, and walkers are welcome. The events feature a walk through Downtown Brighton while the group sings songs, reads a story, and explores spontaneous literacy.

Organizers say parents and helpers get to enjoy the fresh air, stretch their legs, and make new friends as everyone walks around the block.

One walk started out at the Imagination Station and went on to the Millpond Trail. Across the bridge over the Brighton Mill Pond, little ones were able to see all kinds of wildlife; including families of turtles, geese, and ducks.

Stroller Stories will take place this Friday from 10:15-10:45am.

In June and July, Stroller Stories will run every other Wednesday from 10:15-11:00am starting June 14th and ending July 26th: 6/14, 6/28, 7/12, and 7/26.

Stroller Stories does not require registration. Attendees can look for Youth Services Librarian Nicole Cook in her Stroller Stories shirt at the Imagination Station.

The program is a weather-permitting event.