April O'Neil / news@WHMI.com

A committee of the Livingston County Board of Commissioners approved three Resolutions with ARPA funding requests related to the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office.

Committee members met Monday night and the Resolutions approved unanimously 9-0.

The funding allocates American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for various projects- which is federal COVID-relief funds extending from the pandemic.

Resolutions were approved for the use of ARPA funds to purchase the Cellebrite Premium Project, Jail Camera Upgrade Project, and Jail Intercom Upgrade Project.

A total of $1.75 million of ARPA funding was identified for the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office for projects.
The Office requested $34,800 of this allocation for the Cellebrite Premium Project, which is the, “expansion of the extraction and analysis capabilities for Livingston County mobile device investigation.”

During the COVID pandemic, Livingston County saw an uptick in violent crimes. According to the Resolution, funding would provide law enforcement with effective and efficient investigative tools.

Intercom and camera equipment upgrades were also sought for the County Jail to assist in the “safety and security of the inmates and staff.” The Sheriff’s Office requested $175,000 in upgrades to jail cameras and $232,000 in upgrades to the jail’s intercom system.

The full board will vote for final approval on Monday, May 22nd.