Jessica Mathews /

An annual funding agreement has been approved for the continued operation of the stream gaging station on the Huron River in Hamburg Township.

The Board of Trustees approved the agreement at a recent meeting with the U.S. Geological Survey or USGS for the river gage on the Winans Lake Road bridge.

Hamburg Township has experienced a number of high water and flooding events over the years and the gage records various data such as water flow rates and water levels.

Trustee Bill Hahn stressed it’s very important as they use the gauge level for potential flooding and so staff can be prepared to shut down grinder pumps at different home locations that have been plotted out.

Supervisor Pat Hohl, who recently completed a flood hazard FEMA class, stated they get a significant amount of data that comes from the gage and he looks at it weekly. However, he noted that anytime the river is over 6.5 feet, which is flood stage, he looks at it twice a day. Hohl added that “it’s a very effective crystal ball” and they have other gages up the river that he also looks at often.

As for the agreement, Hohl commented that prices went up a little bit but there has been no difference in terms of structure since 2007.

A memo states that as in the past, the USGS will pay $3,190 while Hamburg Township, Green Oak Township and the Livingston County Drain Commission will each pay $4,106 for the annual cost of operating the gage. It was noted that the township has already received the necessary associated signed agreements from Green Oak and the Drain Commission.