Greg Coburn /

Certain foods are now bad for digestion.

Co-founder of the Florida Wellness Institute Health educator, Dr. Julie Gatza says the absolute worst foods for digestion are milk, grains, nuts, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, fried foods, citrus fruits, artificial sugar, beans and spicy food.

Gatza says that because our food selection and dietary habits have changed over the years, our bodies can no longer manufacture all the enzymes required to break down what we eat.

Good health can be attained through proper food selection and assisting digestive function with enzyme supplementation which is a strategy that will gradually nourish and rebuild the weakened digestive system. Eating a hard-to-digest meal may seem to result in a few uncomfortable hours of gas, cramps and bloating; eating hard-to-digest foods over a long period of time can lead to a number of much more serious health consequences.

Gatza says because food selection and dietary habits have changed over the years, our bodies can no longer manufacture all the enzymes required to break down what we eat.