By Mike Kruzman /

All three of Livingston County’s state legislators finished 2021 with perfect voting records.

22nd District State Senator Lana Theis from Brighton Township, 42nd District Representative Ann Bollin, also of Brighton Township, and 47th District State Representative Bob Bezotte of Marion Township collectively didn’t miss a vote last year. Theis was one of 14 Senators that can lay claim to that feat, which she now has done for 6 years running. She said, in a release, that “Michiganders expect and deserve their elected officials to not only show up, but to do the jobs they were sent to do.” She continued, saying she is proud to represent her district, and goes to Lansing every day for her constituents, “because we still face a lot of challenges ahead of us.”

Bollin and Bezotte were each one of 35 Representatives out of the 110 member Michigan House to take part in all 640 roll call votes. Bollin, who chairs the House Elections and Ethics Committee, said she has a deep respect for the people of Livingston County who elected her to be their voice in Lansing, and that she is committed to showing up every day and representing the values and priorities of the community through her work and each vote she casts.