By Mike Kruzman /

The Marion Township Board of Trustees has passed a resolution against an industrial shredder that could be coming to the nearby City of Howell.

The City Planning Commission granted site plan and special land use approval to Padnos Iron and Metal in November of 2019, but Padnos is now in court with the City following the City’s Board of Zoning Appeals denial of 3 variance requests. At the heart of it is a request to allow an industrial scrap metal shredder outdoors. Padnos is located at 645 Lucy Road, a site which is up against residential zoning in neighboring Marion Township.

Alan Greene, co-counsel for Livingston County Catholic Charities, wrote a letter to the Marion Township Board of Trustees asking the Board to adopt a resolution reiterating its opposition to the project and urge Howell City Council to support and defend the BZA’s denial of the variances. Catholic Charities has maintained that should the outdoor shredder be allowed, they would have to move from their current location.

At their online meeting, Thursday night, Marion Supervisor Bob Hanvey asked the Board if any for thoughts on resolution request. Trustee Dan Lowe spoke up with one he crafted himself. Lowe said, “I’d like to make a resolution to oppose the project, especially the requested variances for paving and outdoor shredding. We refer to City Council to defend and support their ZBA decision. The truck traffic noise and potential fire and pollution problems are not what our community needs.”

The Marion Township Board, along with a vocal subset of the community, have long spoken out against the Padnos project. The resolution was supported by Trustee Les Andersen and passed unanimously.