A clinical psychologist is helping residents stay mentally healthy throughout the COVID-19 crisis with coping strategies.

Dr. Julie Malinowski recently appeared on the City of Novi’s YouTube channel helping people understand what psychological effects they may be feeling from the current health crisis. She says, in the video, that our basic emotional need is for certainty, and that when we face a situation we have not faced before, we are wired to react with fear. This level of uncertainty can cause our minds to shut down and prevent us from accessing the part of our mind responsible for problem solving.

Malinowski says there are 3 levels of consciousness: the logical mind, the emotional mind, and the wise mind. It is this wise mind that utilizes the other two and gives us the ability to cope. Malinowski says due to the nature of this pandemic, though, we need to find new ways of doing so. She says due to social distancing, many of the ways we have coped in the past are no longer available or accessible. Staying connected is a basic need, one that we now need to be creative with in meeting. She says that reaching out to friends and family via available technology is the best option right now, but don’t just text as it is important to hear each others voices.

Malinowski says moving around and getting exercise is another good way to cope. She tells people to focus on what you have control of. While we may not have control over the events that are happening, we do have control over our reactions and response. If you feel overwhelmed, practice deep breathing and engage in activities that give your mind a break, like reading, games, and puzzles. And utilize what support systems you may have, while being one for others. Malinowski reminds that it’s up to us to determine what will become due to this current crisis.

See the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqydUIUdMlA&feature=youtu.be