Two special assessment districts are moving forward in Brighton Township and appeared on the agenda at Monday night’s meeting.

A revised petition has been submitted by residents on certain portions of School Lake for the management and control of aquatic plants, fish, wildlife and related services. The petition has met and exceeded the required threshold 72.36% of the total acreage within the boundaries. However, it was noted during the meeting that the total is actually closer to 85% if vacant properties are not included. The School Lake district has not been formally established yet as the first step was for the board to accept the petitions and set a public hearing on the project. That will take place during the February 25th meeting. Meanwhile, a public hearing was held on the separately proposed DeMaria West special assessment district in which more than 2/3 of property owners signed the petition. That item will also be back on the board’s February 25th agenda. During Monday’s meeting, a group of residents detailed the very poor condition of roads in the subdivision. They stated the roads are terrible and the rate of deterioration is only accelerating - which makes running and all other activities nearly impossible. They expressed the time is now to fix the roads based on low interest rates, good asphalt prices and the hope to attract more homebuyers to the area and strengthen property values. (JM)