Crews Commended For Quick Response During Fire In Lyon Township
January 26, 2018

An electrical issue is believed to be the cause of a residential structure fire in Lyon Township earlier this week.
The Lyon Township Fire Department was called out Wednesday after reports of the outdoor odor of smoke in the area. Crews arrived quickly and discovered the odor was coming from a trailer that was on fire. Firefighters started an interior attack and requested mutual aid from the Green Oak Township and South Lyon Fire Departments, as well as an all-call for manpower.
Officials commended all of the crews on scene, noting Lyon Township arrived on scene within five minutes of the original call, which was prioritized as a non-emergent response. The fire was believed to be started by an electrical issue under the home, which allowed to fire to grow before it was discovered, and they were lucky no one was injured in the fire. Lyon Township Fire Department Facebook photo. (JM)