Duane Zemper Legacy Project Receives $15,000 Grant For Bronze Sculpture
January 9, 2018

Grant funds will help propel a project to memorialize a Howell icon, although contributions are still being sought.
The Community Foundation for Livingston County has awarded $15,000 in support of a sculpture to be created in honor of the late Howell resident, Duane Zemper. The sculpture will be placed at the Howell Carnegie District Library in downtown Howell.
The Duane Zemper Legacy Project committee is a collaboration of the Howell Rotary, The Howell Carnegie District Library and the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, which provides fiduciary oversight. The group was formed to memorialize the enormous contribution to Howell by the man fondly known as “Zemp.” The honored photographer valued education and was a co-founder of the Howell Archives.
Zemper’s preservation of photographs taken by his predecessors and those he took throughout his career have recorded the area’s history for future generations. He was a photographer in WWII before moving to Howell in 1946, where he was an active community member until his death in 2016. He was a founding member of the Howell Athletic Boosters and was named Citizen of the Year by the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce in 1976.
After a nationwide request for proposals, the sculpture team of Colin & Kristine Poole of Santa Fe, New Mexico was chosen to create the sculpture. The Pooles are nationally-renowned and have family and roots in Livingston County. In the sculpture, a slightly “larger-than-life” Mr. Zemper will be holding his camera and leaning on a tall pile of books, wearing his trademark sweater and bolo tie. Always proud to be a Howell Rotarian and his 66-year perfect attendance record, his Rotary pin will be on his sweater. The goal of the committee is to have the sculpture completed and installed by the end of 2018. The rendering is pictured.
Contributions by both individuals and corporations are still being sought for the Duane Zemper Legacy Project. Information is available online at www.zemplegacy.org. The link is provided. (JM)