Christmas In The Ville To Again Light Up Fowlerville
November 29, 2017

More than three dozen hot air balloonists and thousands of people are expected to flock to downtown Fowlerville this weekend for the annual Christmas in the Ville.
The celebration will take place Saturday, December 2nd starting with a balloon launch scheduled for 8am, weather permitting, as well as a scavenger hunt for kids, Santa’s workshop, treat decorating, story time in the window, real reindeer, a balloon sculptor, chili sold by the fire department and a 5k Dashing through the Snow and 1k fun walk for kids. If the weather permits, a second balloon launch will take place at 2pm.
Event organizer Steve MacDermaid says all of that leads up to the parade that night at 6 at which point they expect there will be well in excess of 10,000 people downtown. To help deal with that, they’ve added a shuttle service that will run from 4:30pm to 7:30pm from four locations; Fowlerville Fairgrounds, Fowlerville High School, the Park & Ride lot and the Masonic Temple.
More information and a complete schedule of events can be found through the link below. (JK)