Lyon Twp. Officials Discuss Amending Zoning Ordinance to Deal With Density
November 28, 2017

A proposed amendment to Lyon Township’s zoning ordinance could provide a better balance of control and flexibility between officials and developers in negotiating planned developments.
Christopher Doozan, Senior Vice President of planning group McKenna Associates, says some Lyon Township officials feel the municipality’s zoning ordinance lacks explicit regulations regarding parallel plans and calculating planned developments’ density. In a letter to the township’s Planning Commission, he also notes the other end of the spectrum, in which some feel the ordinance needs more flexibility.
McKenna Associates proposed four principles in the letter that developers must adhere to, if township officials agree to amend the zoning ordinance text to include the suggested revisions. The principles are in regards to wetlands, lot size, storm water management facilities, and the ability to accommodate the housing project.
Planning Commission Chairman Mike Conflitti says when discussing a proposed project with developers, officials are always looking out for residents’ best interest. He feels the proposed revisions would help them do that.
Planning Commission Vice-Chairman Carl Towne says the issue is “arbitrary” and something that’s been under review for a couple of months now. The township’s Planning Commission discussed the revisions at their meeting Monday and unanimously voted to recommend approval to the Board of Trustees. Secretary Jim Chuck says he hopes it turns out to be a “win-win” for all. (DK)