12 Days Of Gleaners Is Underway
November 11, 2017

WHMI’s 12 Days of Gleaners is underway with every dollar donated between now and November 22nd being matched by Ford Motor Company.
The Gleaners Community Food Bank in Livingston County estimates there are roughly 1,000 families in the area that need assistance putting a holiday meal on the table. With Gleaner’s organizational buying power, a full meal is possible from just a $20 donation. Sherry Whitcomb is a client who has visited and benefited from their Shared Harvest Pantry location off Dorr Road in Genoa Township. After suffering a foreclosure hardship, Sherry and her husband found themselves struggling to live off of his Social Security.
After hearing about Gleaner’s from a friend, Sherry made the decision to give it a shot and couldn’t be happier for it. She said the main difference with Gleaner’s is that they not only what they need, but also what they want. Whitcomb said she was a nervous wreck the first time, partially due to the stigma attached with using a food bank, but the people working there couldn’t be more pleasant. She said they’ll sit down with you, go over your situation, and even if you’re making some money and are not bottomed out, you can still get help from them. For donation options and more information on the 12 Days of Gleaners, visit the link at whmi.com.
You can hear Whitcomb’s full story on WHMI’s Viewpoint Sunday morning at 8:30. (MK)