More Public Input Sought On Proposed Closure Of Hudson Mills Golf Course
June 26, 2017

Another opportunity for public input has been scheduled on the Hudson Mills Metropark master plan – which calls for closing the golf course.
The 18-hole, par-71 golf course is proposed to close after the 2017 season, with a repurposing plan to be put together by staff. The Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority will be conducting a public input session at a meeting scheduled July 5th. Hudson Mills also features two 24-hole disc golf courses, which are popular and will remain open.
Public hearings have already been held on the draft plan and the revised plan. Commissioner Steve Williams says July 5th is an additional special meeting in response to some of the feedback they’ve gotten from park users and local residents. Many users of the course have expressed anger at the plan.
Williams tells WHMI he thinks it’s a good idea to hold a third meeting for additional input so the public can share ideas, thoughts and preferences. He says there has been good participation at planning meetings and past public hearings. However, there are some people who felt they didn’t get a chance to participate, thus they’ll have an additional meeting to discuss the golf course in particular, as well as some proposed changes to the park.
The current proposal in the master plan calls for closing and repurposing the golf course to be of similar character to what’s in other portions of the park. There is also the possibility of repurposing the golf center into a nature center, which Williams says might have some merit because they have the demand. He says the course is under-utilized and there are other golf courses in the area, so it might be wise to close it and make some changes but he’s not necessarily sold on the idea and wants more data. Williams says he believes there was roughly $38,000 in additional money that had to be allocated to the golf course to make budget; which was in addition to golfing fees, cart rental and other money brought in.
The draft master plan was posted online through the end of May for public review and comment. Williams noted opinions have not been universal and there are some who want to close the course, and then others who are adamantly opposed and love the course.
The park is located off North Territorial Road in Dexter and the July 5th meeting will be held at 9:30am at the Hudson Mills Golf Course. Photo: Huron Clinton Metroparks. (JM)